May 19, 2016
Photo: Stephen I. Katz M.D. Ph.D.
Stephen I. Katz, M.D., Ph.D.

Dear Colleagues:

Did you know that 95 percent of the NIH budget goes directly to research awards, programs, and centers; training programs; and research and development contracts? NIH-supported research leads to tens of thousands of new scientific findings every year. At NIAMS, we are proud to be funding exceptional science on bone, muscle, joint and skin diseases, and we ask for your support to help us spread the word about these exciting projects.

Earlier this month, NIAMS grantees received our biannual reminder that press releases, videos, publications, interviews with reporters, and other communications must include acknowledgment of NIH support. We believe that this responsibility for funding acknowledgment lies not just with our grantees and their institutions, but with all of our stakeholders. For example, we ask that you credit the agency:

  • When highlighting NIAMS/NIH-supported research in your e-newsletters, magazines and journals.
  • In press releases and in program materials about NIAMS grantee presentations at your meetings and conferences.
  • When educating constituents, policy makers and members of the media about the value of biomedical research.

Any questions regarding the proper acknowledgment of federally-funded research should be directed to the NIAMS Office of Science Policy, Planning and Communications.

I also would encourage you to visit The Impact of NIH Research website where you will find resources to help all of us better communicate the value of NIH-supported research. A number of NIAMS-supported advances — related to autoinflammatory disease, back pain, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and scoliosis — have been added to the site since it first debuted in 2012.

Thank you for helping us to fulfill our commitment to inform the American public about the vital role of the NIH and biomedical research.

Stephen I. Katz, M.D., Ph.D.
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
National Institutes of Health

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