The University of California, San Francisco, Coordinating Center for the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) has released data from the 84-month follow-up visit of the OAI cohort. Data from the 72-month follow-up visit, the 84-month follow-up interview, and accelerometer data from the 48-month visit are now available to registered users of OAI Online ( To date, annual data from the baseline through the 84-month follow-up contact have been released for the entire cohort. In addition to annual data, semi-annual data from the 18-month and 30-month follow-up visits for a subset of participants have been released as well.

The following datasets also have been updated:

  • Outcomes database that includes endpoint data through the 84-month follow-up contact.
  • Imaging Inventory for Study Planning database. This database can be used to facilitate the planning of analyses using the central image assessments and/or OAI images.

MRI and x-ray images from the baseline through the 72-month follow-up visit are also available. Requests for images for the entire cohort, specific subsets, or available subsets (e.g., samples of 200 participants, 160 participants, control participants, or thigh MRIs) should be made through OAI Online (

The following features are available at OAI Online to help investigators navigate through the available OAI data.

  1. Tutorial, which can be used to examine the tools available on OAI Online for exploring the website and data.
  2. Search and Browse feature, which can be used to search for variables of interest, easily access the forms used for data collections, get preliminary estimate of frequencies, or review pertinent comments and SAS codes related to the variables.
  3. My Cart, which can be used to create personal shopping carts with variables of interest. Additionally, the user can build customized data codebooks. Items in the Shopping carts can be saved and returned to at a later time.
  4. Data Explorer, which can be used to generate descriptive statistics, such as frequency distributions and cross tabulations, to serve as the basis for the development of research questions.

These materials and resources are found on the OAI Online website

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