Beijing OA study, China

Michael Nevitt at UCSF is contact. Includes hand, hip and knee radiographs, as well as serum, urine, and genetic material. Access is complicated, since some data in China. This study is not yet longitudinal. Funding has not been obtained to do so.

Diacomo Study, Italy

PI: Luigi Ferucci, gerontologist: Serni, orthopaedic surgeon
Longitudinal study of hand OA in geriatric population. 
Active, nothing published.

Gothenberg, Sweden

PI: Anders Bejelle
Longitudinal study of aging, age 70+. Incidence and progression of OA. May be closed.


PI: Thorvaldur Ingvarsson ([email protected]
Comparing prevalence of hip OA in Iceland with that in Scandinavian populations. 1500 people, including 227 hips with primary radiographic hip OA. Looking at hand and knee OA too. Evaluating gene/environment interactions in development of OA. MRI imaging. Serum, urine and DNA collected and stored -70.

Zoetermeer Study, The Netherlands

PI: Jan SAG Schouten, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 
A large,population-based study that reveals the problems of case definition and results in an overestimate of disease. Data collected in 1975-78 and again in 1988-9, include questionnaire, physical examination, radiographs, and serum analyses. No longer active. 

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